Education / Training

Additional Training/Education and Experience

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) – L. Parnell approach -July 2019

Motivational Interviewing

ACT- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 

Focusing- Eugene Gendlin-based theory

Emotion-Focused CBT

Frontiers in Trauma Treatment with Bessel Van der Kolk at Kripalu (2014)

Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Childhood to Adulthood
at Harvard Medical School Continuing Education Program

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) Training (2014)
point TAT Basics I- Review, Remember and Re-story with TAT
point Clinical Applications

Red Cross Trainings:
point Psychological First Aid (2012)
point Disaster Services Overview (2012)
point Government Liason Summit (2014)
point Disaster Mental Health Workshop (2011)

C.G. Jung Center Involvement/Membership
point Served two years on Program Committee (2013-2015)
point Gave Kaleidoscope Series Program on Naomi Feil’s Validation Therapy;How to be present for aging and end-of-life (2009)
point Mind Body Interface- The Placebo Response and Psychosomatic Disorders- Dr. Richard Kradin (2015)
point Attended numerous programs and series of special interest including Sabina Speilrein and Chaos Theory

Topical Speaking Engagements
point Memory and Alzheimer’s; A specific kind of Caregiver Stress- Midcoast Health Center Caregiver Support and Resource Group Talk (2014)
point Memory and Neuroscience (2012) Talk given to Psych and Medical Rehab Class

point Extensive Meditation and Mindfulness Training (50 years)
point Extensive musical, singing, drumming, dancing and yoga trainings
point Couple’s therapy training at Harvard
point Extensive grief, loss and end of life facilitation/trainings
point Training in trauma focused neuroscience
point Yin yoga teacher training in Boston with Josh Summers